this thread is for any and all discussion of airsoft. what is it? how is it? why do it?
imagine a bb gun. but with the bb's a few times larger, and plastic. thats an airsoft gun. the springs are cocked back using bolt action, electric motors, or compressed gas (CO2, Green gas, red gas, black gas, etc.). their speeds range from 100 feet per second to around 600-700. the highest electric guns are under 450.
airsoft vs. paintball?
in paintball, most all guns are the same. they are semi automatic and are very similar.
in airsoft, the variety of guns is much larger. the guns in airsoft range from snipers to assault rifles to even automatic pistols.
does this mean one is better than the other?
no. but given that airsoft also offers different weights of bb's, so you can choose between higher velocity or more accuracy, its my game of choice

so. what kind of gun do you use? where do you have "wars?" and any other discussions for people to talk about. do it all here..