Title: Font for UI Post by: DukeInstinct on September 16, 2010, 08:37:14 pm I was going to start on the class selection UI and realized we are still using Quake's original font.
Anyone have any ideas for a font that would match the theme of the game? Title: Re: Font for UI Post by: Nixtwiz on September 18, 2010, 07:21:47 pm What if we did a font like this with this style for part of the screen (the computer-like scheme) and for the other part make it show a spectator cam of a teamate?
EDIT: haha i forgot to post the link. well i'm on my phone now so i cant. it was a picture of the PipBoy screen from fallout 3 Title: Re: Font for UI Post by: Sarge127 on September 19, 2010, 08:53:14 pm We could possibly use the IMPACT font type.. google it. it should come up with something on how it looks.
Title: Re: Font for UI Post by: DukeInstinct on September 19, 2010, 11:55:27 pm Quote What if we did a font like this with this style for part of the screen (the computer-like scheme) and for the other part make it show a spectator cam of a teamate? I don't think I can make a spectator cam with CSQC. We could just have the whole view be a spectator cam and just have the class selection screen overlay it with some transparency. I've seen the font Impact before and I think it is a good choice. |