Urban Wars

Urban Wars => Urban Wars Updates => Topic started by: Sarge127 on December 11, 2009, 03:24:32 pm

Title: Colt 1911 or Kimber 1911 Up#1
Post by: Sarge127 on December 11, 2009, 03:24:32 pm
Hey guys i know its been awhile so here you go i hope you enjoy it  ::)...

Well, huh? what do you think? comment

My suggestions:
"You suck"
"To boxy" << Indeed.
"Need some work on it" <<< Totally, etc.
Btw get rid of those ads...  ;)

Title: Re: Colt 1911 or Kimber 1911 Up#1
Post by: Trey777 on December 20, 2009, 09:07:57 pm
lol i told u they look good :D

also i dont have mony to put into the site :D lol so u can donate ;)

Title: Re: Colt 1911 or Kimber 1911 Up#1
Post by: Nixtwiz on December 23, 2009, 10:30:20 pm
You did make sure to make the slide verticies separate from the gun so it can be animated right? idk if you have to for animations for quake but I know you have to do that for blender animations. other than that it looks good   8)

Title: Re: Colt 1911 or Kimber 1911 Up#1
Post by: Mobster on January 07, 2010, 03:52:17 pm
make it less blocky and some parts cant be as wide as the whole gun...